Courses, Communities and Group Coaching

The cost of RESEARCHING AMERICA has been reduced from $97 to $47. RESEARCHING AMERICA is a mini course developed specifically for historical fiction writers and memoirist to efffectively complete their research using a time efficient and simple process.

How we'll approach research:

We'll start with basic research strategies, move on to advanced techniques and apply them to different types of databases.

  • We'll begin my using Google and Wikipedia to mine them for authoratative resources for print, audio and visual sources.

  • We will apply basic research strategies to megadatabases like Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, and the National Arcives.

  • We'll move on to "boutique"" databases and uncover some very interesting gems.


  • When will this course be available?

    As soon as you complete your purchase, the course will be available for life time access.

  • Is there a time limit to complete this course?

    Absolutely not. This is a learn at your own pace course.

  • Do I have lessons to be completed and graded?

    The only grade you get is what you give yourself! The course is set up as a step-by-step approach so that you apply the strategies yourself to what interests you. You do not hand in any assignments.

  • Does Dorothea have other courses?

    Right now, she's working on a "how to -write" Memoir Course, ONE HURDLE AT A TIME that should be available in February 2024. She does offer a group coaching class on MEMOIR but it is currently filled.

  • Does Dorothea do personal research for authors?

    I have a book coaching service where I work with historical fiction authors and we do deal with research. I don't normally do personal research. Hopefully, after you take this mini-course you won't need anyone to do research for you. You'll be the expert! But, if you're really stuck email me: [email protected] and I may be able to point you in the right direction.

I've helped people from Hilary Clinton, to Stanford Medical School deans to sixth-graders working on History Day projects.

Hilary Clinton acknowledged me in her book, THE BOOK OF GUTSTY WOMEN: "Take the women on the cover of this book . . . Seventy years after the photograph was taken, the public learned who the women were. . . librarian and author, Dorothea Buckingham, identified it as from the Hawaii War Records Depository.

Dr. Robert Cutler, (emeritus), Dean of Faculty Affairs, Stanford University Medical School

The Mysterious Death of Jane Stanford

“I am in debt to Dorothea ‘Dee’ Buckingham who researched primary documents and information about the mysterious death of Jane Stanford which were unavailable to me. She worked with such tenacity, you’d think she was the author. She became so knowledgeable about Mrs. Stanford’s death that she wrote a marvelously entertaining fictionalized account that suggested all the things my non-fiction work could not.

Buy the course now and take advantage of the temporarily reduced price.

Coming very soon! A mini-course on writing your memoir, "One Hurdle at a Time."

First you'll ask yourself the five big questions. Then we'll build the container for those answers. You'll pick a place in time to tell your story and then you share it with the world.

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Beaches, Brothels, and Barbed Wire

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